What Is Reverse Guest Blogging And How Does It Work?

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It will be more important than ever to make creative content as Google moves toward a semantic method that looks at the big picture of a search rather than keywords. Here’s where the idea of “reverse guest blogging” comes in, and it’s a big part of why we think this will be a big business trend in 2024.

As you might guess, it’s the opposite of guest writing. Guest blogging means giving other sites your content to post. Reverse guest blogging refers to soliciting content from other websites in exchange for hosting it on yours.

As the owner of your website, it’s up to you to actively seek guest bloggers and invite them to write exclusively for you rather than other websites. Small business owners frequently claim they already have enough people asking them to post on their sites – no need to waste time looking for additional guest writers!

It all makes sense, but the idea behind reverse guest writing is a different way to look at it. That response is actually where a lot of people could go wrong. In answer to the question above, you’re not necessarily looking for bloggers for your blog because you don’t have enough; you want the best bloggers (and material) possible.

How Does Reverse Guest Posting Work?

Reverse Guest Posting is a pretty easy process in general.

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is find good writers in your niche. You could do a Google search with the words “bloggers to follow” or something similar to find articles that other people have written about the most important people in your area. You could look for talks to find out who is being talked to. You could look at who writes and posts as a guest on the top sites that are used by everyone in your field.

Step 2: Next, pick the kind of guest post you want to write for the site.

Step 3: Step three is to make a pitch to the author. Send them a pitch after finding a way to get in touch with them, like a social media account or an email address. Offer your incentive if you have one and ask them if they’d like to write for your site. Let them know what kinds of themes you’d be interested in.

What kinds of draws could you make? Most of the time, just money is the best choice. The person in question might use your product, though, so you could offer them free service, a discount they can share with their readers or free product keys they can give out. If they aren’t customers yet, you can give them a free service.

Imagine what would happen if the roles were switched. What would you offer the author if they asked you to write for their site in exchange for something of value?

Remember that some writers won’t want to give up their morals to get paid for a post, but they might still write for you. People will take goods but not cash, and people will only want cash. Also, be ready for the fact that some people might not be interested at all or will charge too much for you.

Step 4: The fourth step is to share the post once it’s ready. It’s against the rules to turn down a job you ask for this way, but you probably won’t need to. It’s complicated. If you pay someone $100 to write something for you and it looks like it was written by a $5 writer, you could question their work. You should be careful, though, because it could hurt your relationship…

Step 5: Step five is for both people to share and talk about the post. A reverse guest post works best when the influential person who is writing for your site also promotes the post to their audience. This gets more people to your site and helps your rankings.

Why Is Reverse Guest Posting A Good Idea?

This kind of approach has several advantages, such as:

Better Working Together: Likely, someone who has been blogging for a while will not just be a one-time writer if you contact them. You’ll learn more about them, and they’ll learn more about you and your brand. The relationship is strong, which could help you find future partnerships.

The Owner Is In Charge: People who want to write for you in exchange for a link don’t have to deal with you when you do reverse guest blogging. That puts you in charge because you can pick who posts on your blog.

The Owner Has Less Work To Do: This is most likely the best thing about it. In backward guest blogging, the blogger does the writing, so the owner doesn’t have to do as much. That writer will also spread the word about the content, which is great because it will reach new people.

People Like Guest Posts: The people who read your blog will enjoy hearing from someone else. It’s a new point of view, and he or she can often write about things you didn’t feel comfortable with.

Backlinks Are Still Being Made: Perhaps your friend or the writer’s fans will want to link back to the post on your blog. This means that backlinks are still being made.

The Best Ways To Do Reverse Guest Posting

Here are different ways you can do a backward guest post.

1. Pay For Posts The Easy Way

This is the simplest form of the material that works like a reverse guest blog. In essence, all you do is pay the celebrity to write something for your site. Hiring an influencer is pretty much the same as hiring a ghostwriter. The only difference is that with a ghostwriter, you claim the content as your own, but with an influencer, you post it under your name.

2. The One Big Interview

People who do this kind of reverse guest post don’t always get paid, but they do it for the status and the chance to share their knowledge.

You show someone you like them by asking them to come in for an interview, maybe even paying them for their time. Then you prepare a list of questions to ask them. You can use the unique information to write a great blog post, or you can turn the conversation into a podcast if it takes place over Skype, Hangouts, Discord, or the phone. Coming up with a set list of questions to ask each expert who comes on the show could even turn this into a regular show.

3. Testimonial With An Incentive

It’s kind of like a paid blog piece mixed with a product review. Offer them a free month of service or a free copy of your product if you think they might be interested in it or could use it in their business. They have to write you a review as a fee.

But this doesn’t always work. For example, some bloggers would rather keep the review on their page. It might even have to say that you gave them the product to review, just like you have to say when you get a review copy from Amazon or a developer copy of a game on Steam.

4. The Authority Piece You Co-Wrote

These work best if you’re just as well-known and famous as the blogger you want to reach. Find someone with the same amount of respect and authority as you do, and add both of your names to a huge authority piece. This kind of content can become a great resource that will always be useful, and everyone who adds can gain from it. The really important thing is that most big-name leaders won’t want to work with someone they haven’t heard of.

5. The Swap Of Posts For Posts

Another way to do reverse guest blogging, but this one is more like a sharing of guest posts. You pay someone to write a guest post for your site, and then you ask them to let you write one for theirs. The post in return isn’t always enough cash; sometimes you’ll be turned down, and sometimes they may want more. It depends on how good the sites are on both sides of the issue and how big the egos are of the people involved.

6. The Request For Scaling Up

Instead of paying someone to write for your site, you write something on a topic they’re interested in but leave it unfinished so they can “complete the thought.” You can’t be sure that every figure will jump at the chance to work with you; many will rather share resources they’ve already written than write something new just for you.

7. The Main Event Of The Week

In this one, you make a text-based show that’s kind of like a weekly talk show.

For instance, you could make a framework with about six interview questions that are general enough to ask anyone and another six questions that are special to the influencer you’re talking to. Every week, you put out the same format with a new CEO, marketer, blogger, or expert. People will eventually start to see your series as a valuable resource, and they will start to think of fresh ways to answer.


“Reverse guest blogging” provides us with an innovative new way of creating material and working together online. As search engines shift toward semantic methods that place context over keywords, our need for new material increases even further. 2024 may see reverse guest blogging become a huge trend that gives website owners proactive strategies for finding high-quality material.

Website owners who engage in reverse guest blogging take control of their content strategy and actively search for expert voices to add to their websites. Finding reliable writers in their area, creating attractive pitches, and forging relationships that benefit both parties are all integral parts of this process. Incentives may help both sides get what they need from working together – exposure and networking opportunities could come their way!

Reverse guest writing offers many advantages to website owners and writers. It helps both parties build stronger relationships that could result in future collaboration. Guest blogs make website ownership simpler as their writers provide content creation services; furthermore, guest posts bring fresh perspectives to websites which keeps readers engaged by showing different points of view.

There are various approaches to reverse guest blogging, including exchanging content, paying for posts or conducting interviews. Reverse guest blogging offers more freedom for individuals to pursue their individual goals and tastes; content creators can take advantage of its flexibility by being creative with co-authored pieces or setting up regular interview series.

As digital platforms continue to transform, reverse guest blogging can be an effective strategy to bolster your online profile, engage people with your community, and drive free traffic to your website. Adopting this trend not only enhances content quality but also forges relationships within the digital ecosystem – setting site owners up for long-term success in an ever-evolving digital space.